I wonder if we would perhaps rather laugh than weep: Trump, true to form, spreads chaos, misinformation, and the simple self-centered accusations against all and sundry he is so well known for.
Well, himself as well as his latest ‘aide’ turned-suddenly-Republican (G.O.P: Not so grand after all…) Elon Musk are a pair if ever there was one: using money in bucketloads to draw any kind of attention to themselves.
That Musk has rather suddenly changed his tune a few years ago is quite explicable and not the least bit surprising, if you know that some of the latest Tesla-models face severe technical faults and even a failure of his whole company is around the corner because he would have to return millions of government funds (yes, taxpayers’ money!) – if he cannot find government officials that rule in his favour and keep things just ‘floating’ his way…
You cannot help but love the New York Times for their verve and esprit in being precise, to the point, and comprehensive.
Read the full story here that I took the quote of the title from: Dripping Faucets and Seizing Greenland: Trump Is Back and Chaos Ensues
Let’s all of sound mind and responsible ideas keep our voices heard, loud and clear! This is no way to go, Mr Trump and Mr Musk!
The other day Mr Trump has made clear he wants to be seen as ‘deal maker’. Turning back to his oldest profession, the financier, businessman… ‒ who’s caused bankruptcy to thousands of his stakeholders in order to save his own ‘hide’ ‒ so, he would use anything to close a deal.
Deals usually are closed any old way: Using threats is one of them.
Get the other party to believe in your decisiveness, your preparedness to go to extremes.
In other words: Blackmail.
Surprising? Not really. Awareness is key: We just won’t stoop or succumb anywhere to such base methods.