

I am a technical communicator – and this site contains the things I like most: thoughts and ideas, some background information on some of my hobbies, poems I like and sayings I endorse. Hope you find it of interest, entertaining or even helpful…

Whatever you do – have a nice day!



The signs are there: He had the majority of Supreme Court Justices newly instated during his first time in office. He initiated the attack on the US-Capitol. The signs also are there that he will try to limit freedom of the press. At least. He is on best terms with president Putin of Russia, who …

‘Stand-up’ Comedians: The President-elect of the US and Companies Donating – Nero Burning Rome…

I wonder sometimes if there ever was a similar government and its head in history as the one coming up on Monday, 20th January…? They say Nero in ancient Rome was made fun of, at the time and in later centuries; considered to be downright crazy and not to be depended upon. He apparently set …

Close Deals using Threats – The Blackmail Tactics – President-elect’s Hidden Agenda Unfolding

To start a conflict, manipulate people into it by threatening them in multiple ways; to position oneself as a representative of an interest group, a lobby; then in the limelight apparently get people back together again for peace talks and eventual – and so sudden … – peace or at least truce… What do you …


I am a technical communicator – and I like to do things that are related to technical matters just as much as I like dancing, writing, cooking, knitting, crocheting, thinking, watching movies, reading, listening to music, doing nothing…

I hope this little site provides some information or food for thought, entertaining insights – or just plain fun.
If you like it, leave me a comment, if you don’t – constructive criticism is also welcome!